Miroslav BojićMiroslav Bojić, Mayor of Laktaši Municipality


The welcome word of the Mayor:

Dear visitors, dear fellow citizens!

I am honored to welcome you on the official internet presentation of Laktaši municipality.

The municipality of Laktaši is recognizable as a place that favors a private initiative and all types of small and medium-sized enterprises, and our goal is to improve the local business environment by continuous and efficient dialogue with the private sector.

In the following period, our priority will be to raise the level of efficiency of the municipal administration and public enterprises, which will encourage and support the development of the modern economy and create an attractive business climate, both for the development of small and medium-sized enterprises, as well as for the implementation of large investment projects.

Despite limited budget funds, we are trying to solve priority infrastructure problems, and with the help of various projects, we create a management that is customary for the citizens and the economy of our municipality.

The Municipality of Laktaši is a partner municipality of most international organizations operating in the territory of Bosnia and Herzegovina, and we are also involved in a number of projects implemented by these organizations.

Through our good cooperation with our diaspora, as a significant development resource, our goal is to continue to promote and encourage business cooperation between our diaspora and our business community.

The municipality of Laktaši is valid for the municipality that monitors the problems and needs of the young people, and therefore we are happy to support and implement projects related to employment through entrepreneurship support programs and the development of business ideas of young people with emphasis on information technologies, healthy food production and tourism.

In the past period, we had the most liberal decision on scholarships for students and students in the Republic of Srpska. And following the trends in the labor market, we introduced a new model of scholarships according to which the emphasis is placed on the personnel needed for the development of the economy of our municipality, that is, of deficient interests. Our intention is to try, through some projects and activities, at least partially to improve the situation when it comes to labor supply in accordance with the needs of the labor market.

Given that a prerequisite for the social and economic growth of a community is necessary, the quality of life in one area and the offer of various social events in the future, we will strengthen the support of sports, the promotion of culture and cultural events and the preservation of cultural and historical heritage.

Dear visitors, dear fellow citizens, I would like to remind you once again that we are open to all your useful suggestions and suggestions in order to make our Laktaši life better and more content.

Miroslav Bojić was born in 1983, and he has a degree in agricultural engineering, with many years of experience in the profession. Until August 2020, he performed the function of Assistant Minister in the Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Water Management of the Republic of Srpska, and from August 2020, he performed the function of Advisor to the Minister in the Ministry of the same name. He lives and works dedicatedly in Laktaši. He is married and the father of two children.

– Proposes the Statute of the municipality,

– Propose decisions and other general acts to the Municipal Assembly,

– Drafts and submits to the Municipal Assembly the draft and proposal of the budget, financial report, economic plan, development plan, investment program, spatial and urban plan and other planning and regulatory documents related to the use and management of land, including the use of public land,

– Informs the Municipal Assembly on all issues and competencies of the Municipality, its rights and obligations,

– Conduct local policy in accordance with the decisions of the Municipal Assembly, execute the local budget and ensure the implementation of decisions and other acts of the Assembly,

– Executes laws and other regulations of the Republic whose execution is entrusted to the Municipality,

– Make a decision on the establishment of the Municipal Administration,

– Adopts the Rulebook on Internal Organization and Systematization of Workplaces of the Municipal Administration,

– It proposes the appointment and dismissal of the head of division or service,

– Propose and adopt general and individual acts on the organization and functioning of civil protection in the field of protection and rescue and performs other activities in the field of protection and rescue in accordance with the law,

– Realizes the cooperation of the Municipality with other units of local self-government, international and other organizations, in accordance with the decisions and conclusions of the Assembly and its working bodies,

– Grants consent to the statutes and other general acts of the company and institutions founded by the Municipalities,

– Submit a report to the Municipal Assembly about the work in the bodies of companies that perform utilities,

– Submit a report to the Municipal Assembly on its work and work of the Municipal Administration,

– It initiates an initiative to suspend the general or individual acts of the Municipal Assembly until the decision of the competent court, if it considers that it is contrary to the Constitution and the law,

– conclude contracts on behalf of the Municipality, in accordance with the acts of the Assembly,

– We adjudicate in the second instance upon an appeal against the first instance decisions, if the decisions of the court are not the responsibility of the republic authorities,

– Make decisions on disposing of funds in the manner defined by the Statute,

– Decides on the conflict of jurisdiction between the Municipal Administration and organizations that perform activities of interest for the Municipality,

– Decides on the exclusion of the official person of the Municipal administration,

– Performs other tasks determined by law and the statute.

Darko Stanković, Deputy Mayor of the Municipality

Darko Stanković was born in 1983 in Banja Luka. He has a master’s degree in business economics. He has been employed in the Municipal Administration of the Municipality of Laktaši since 2007, where he worked in the Department of Finance as an independent expert associate for the budget in the period from 2008 to 2011, then he worked as an independent expert associate for monitoring capital investments and debt collection. in the period from 2011 to 2018. From 2018 to 2020, he was the head of the Revenue Monitoring Department, and from 2021, he will perform the function of the deputy mayor. He is married and the father of three children.

The deputy mayor of the municipality shall assist the mayor of the municipality in the performance of duties, perform duties entrusted to him by the mayor, replace the mayor and act on his behalf when he is absent or prevented from performing his duties.




Mr Bojana Kondić Panić, Advisor to the Mayor


Bojana Kondić Panić was born in 1984 in Banja Luka. With a degree in economics from the University of Banja Luka, she has a master’s degree in economic science. She has successfully completed a series of seminars on Project Cycle Management, Local Integrated Development Management, Industrial and Business Zones, IPA seminars and European Union projects. Since 2008, she has been employed in the Municipal Administration of Laktasi, where she worked as an independent expert associate for the youth and non-governmental sector, for statistics, for development management and European integration, as the head of the Department for Common Affairs and as the head of the mayor’s office. She also worked part-time as a translator and lecturer of the French language, as well as a trainer for project cycle management and preparation of utility companies for participation in European Union projects. During the French presidency of the European Union, she participated as a representative of Bosnia and Herzegovina in the program “View of the European Union”, getting acquainted with the functioning of the European Parliament and the Council of Europe in Strasbourg. Since 2021, he has been performing the function of Advisor to the Mayor. He speaks English, French and German. She is married and the mother of three children.

Scope of work:

  • performs the most complex professional and other tasks within the scope of work of the mayor, gives expert opinions and proposals to the mayor on the manner of resolving certain issues, ie on proposals and requests of other bodies, organizations and institutions addressed to the mayor,
  • establishes cooperation with scientific and professional institutions, state and other bodies and organizations, in order to resolve certain issues, and coordinates work in the field of intercity and international cooperation,
  • initiates and makes proposals for programs and measures for the improvement of the situation in the field of economy and development of small and medium enterprises on the territory of the municipality,
  • coordinates the process of elaboration of economic development projects from the implementation plans with their bearers,
  • participates in the work of the Council for Economy and Employment, formed by the Mayor,
  • prepares appropriate reviews, analyzes, information, reports and proposals for improvements related to the implementation of programs, projects and measures in the field of economic development,
  • promotes the municipality of Laktasi and its potentials as a favorable place for investment and business towards potential investors,
  • monitors appropriate external sources of funding, cooperates with professional and other institutions at the local, national and international level on the issue of European Union funds and other international donors,
  • in performing tasks, achieves intensive cooperation with other organizational units of the Municipal Administration and other bodies, international and other organizations, agencies and associations dealing with issues of local and economic development.